It’s only Tuesday!


It’s only Tuesday but it feels like I’ve been working a year without any weekend at all. I shall never stay up that late again unless I take a big nap the day after 🙂 It doesn’t matter what I need to do, I’ll take that nap anyway 🙂




It's really green now!

It’s really green now!




Nothing much has happened today, I worked in the neighbor factory for a few hours and time flew by when I was there, because I can’t see any clock and it is just too much problem reaching my phone to see what time it is since I have protecting clothes on so I know nothing about how fast time pass by or not while working. Unfortunately I see the clock  ver well at my ordinary job and just couldn’t keep my eyes from it 🙂


Look how cute I am :-)

Look how cute I am 🙂




Thunder did pass by here at home during the day, I saw that on the net but the sun shone most of the time. Now the rain is pouring down and the wind is hard so I guess we either get thunder again or hail. I don’t want hail now, it is so depressing to watch the ice on the ground 🙂 I guess I should be happy about the rain helping me watering al the seeds I sowed yesterday but to be honest, rain is nothing we need at all at the moment. The ground is still so wet after the previous rain showers we’ve had so I get soaking wet if I go down on my knees to take a photo.







The rain comes from west so the east side of my cottage is dry, so now I have bumblebees resting by my window during the shower. I wonder if it is one of those that has a nest inside my southern wall, they build a nest there every year and since bumblebees don’t destroy anything when building a nest or living there I always let them be. They do so much good in the garden by pollinating my fruit and berry plants.








It is time for something to eat and perhaps a cup of cocoa.

Have a great day! 


In my garden right now. This is Sorbus domestica, we call it apple rowan or pear rowan.

In my garden right now. This is Sorbus domestica, we call it apple rowan or pear rowan.

My hand fan shaped apple tree.  I sowed it several years ago and it gets the most delicious apples there is!

My hand fan-shaped apple tree, here hidden behind the Aronia bush. I sowed it several years ago and it gets the most delicious apples there is!

Sorbus koehneana. I sowed that one around eight years ago. The climate is too tough for it here so it freeze down some every winter.

Sorbus koehneana. I sowed that one around eight years ago. The climate is too tough for it here so it freeze down some every winter.

The apricot tree survived but even this mild winter was tough on it :-)

The apricot tree survived but even this mild winter was tough on it 🙂

Primula auricula.

Primula auricula.


10 responses

  1. Caryn

    Hi Christer,
    Some work weeks are like a whole year per day. Painfully long.

    Bertil has far too much cat gravitas to be “cute”. 🙂 His fur is very shiny in the sunlight.

    Friends to the west of me are getting deluged with rain. You to the east are getting deluged with rain. We have not had any appreciable rain in a while. We need some and I would prefer that it came in reasonable doses. Not feet of rain per week. 🙂

    I spent most of the morning counting coins and putting them in those little paper tubes. I gave up at $61.00 and lugged it all to the bank. It was heavy. I still have a lot more to count but I’ll wait on that. It’s very dusty work counting coins. They lie about in bottles and cans and tea cups for years and never get dusted because who would do that? Then all the dust gets up your nose and all over your clothes when you do finally disturb them. Ah Choo! I did that a lot this morning. 🙂

    Today is warm and partly sunny. If the sun comes out much more, it will be very, very warm.

    Enjoy the day.

    May 26, 2015 at 7:14 pm

    • Hi Caryn!

      I hope the rest of the week gets better because I won’t survive this otherwise 🙂 🙂

      At least he tied 🙂 and I think he only did this for the photos 🙂 I know the cat and there’s nothing cute about hime 🙂 🙂

      Yes why can’t rain come in reasonable doses? The flooding in Texas seems really bad. Didn’t they have several year long draught just reacently?

      Our banks charge so much if we do like You so we loose more than we gain on doing it 🙂 If they take any money at all!!! It is impossible to withdraw money in a bank now days! I really don’t know why we have them any longer. If we would be stupid enough to actually try to get money in a bank they’ll just look at us! Money? In a bank?? So it’s better to use the coins in the stores or not to use money at all but the bank card instead. Our banks are just pieces of sh.. and most people talk about banks with disgust in their voices 🙂

      I’m glad someone knows where the warm weather is 🙂

      Have a great day!

      May 26, 2015 at 7:31 pm

  2. jaz

    it seems like everyone is getting rain but us and california. i am watering twice a day which is pretty horrible for may1

    May 26, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    • Hi Joyce!

      Yes why do we get so much rain when there are others that need it more!
      Yes that is quite earltý even for You! No need for that here. I guess I sj´hould be happy it isn’t warmer because the grass grows fast enough as it is right now 🙂

      Have a great day in the heat!

      May 27, 2015 at 6:00 pm

  3. Hi Christer…Joyce is right. So much rain out there and not a drop for us. I keep thinking it will be over soon..(the drought) but so far…it goes on….and on!) Everything looks so lush..just beautiful..but I suppose enough is enough when it’s you getting soaking wet.
    Bertil! My hero! Greatest cat ever! He is what a cat is all about! Please give his little ears a scratch for me? IF of course he doesn’t take your arm off. I used to love that cat in the Peanuts cartoon. The neighbors cat that took a slash out of Snoopy’s dog house?

    May 26, 2015 at 8:25 pm

    • Hi Mona!

      Yes even Texas has gotten rain now but way too much at the same time! I haven’t read the latest news about the flooding there yet.

      How big is the chance of getting rain this time of year for You? Pretty slim a normal year I guess. I do hope You too get enough soon!

      I guess I should be happy we do get rain but we have enough as it is for the moment.

      The odd thing with Bertil now days is that he actually likes being scratched by me now, as long as we are out walking 🙂 So I will give him a scratch from You 🙂

      Yes that cat in Peanuts are cool 🙂 We never got to see how he looked, did we 🙂

      Have a great day in the heat!

      May 27, 2015 at 6:04 pm

  4. Christer,
    We haven’t had much rain, and parts of my grass don’t seem to be getting any from the irrigation system. I keep watering the deck plants, and they seem to need it just about every day.

    Today was chilly because of the really strong breeze. I had hoping it would be warmer, but I suppose hot days will come soon enough.

    Have a great evening!

    May 26, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    • Hi Kat!

      My grass grows like crazy so I guess I should be happy it isn’t warmer because then I would have to mow twice or thrice a week and that would not be fun at all 🙂

      Sun in the morning, cloudy and heavy showers during the day and sun and warm enough to have my kitchen door open now in the evening 🙂

      Have a great day!

      May 27, 2015 at 6:06 pm

  5. Dianna

    Hi Christer!! Isn’t that funny how time drags when you watch the clock and then the opposite when you can’t see it. I think that’s a cruel trick the Universe plays! I just am in from spending time in my gardens and then my son and I went for a long bike ride. I need to get my bike bum in shape…oh boy! 🙂 I will send you a separate e-mail on my new vegetable trug. I am just so happy with it! Saves my back too! 🙂 Great photos today, and yes, Bertil is extremely cute! 🙂 We were so hot today, I think we got to 30 or 31. Cooling down now, the clouds are rolling in so we may get a storm but hard to say. We are supposed to get cooler by the weekend and only a high of 13 for Friday!!! Isn’t those temps just incredible!?!?! Have a good Wednesday!

    May 27, 2015 at 3:13 am

    • Hi Dianna!

      I’m not sure I would use the word funny though 🙂 🙂 but it is true. We have way too many clocks at my ordinary work place to be honest 🙂

      Yes it is important to get the bike bum in shape 🙂 It’s horrible the first week after beginning to use the bike again 🙂 Back in the days when I always biked everywhere I hated that first week until the pain was gone again 🙂

      I’ll check my mailbox!

      It is warm here when the sun shines, like now in the evening. So I have the kitchen door open now but it had been cold with heavy showers during the day my neighbor told me. I’m glad we don’t even come close to 31 though 🙂

      I would love to live in a climate where the temperature was more even 🙂

      Have a great day!

      May 27, 2015 at 6:10 pm

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