
It is a new day tomorrow.

Today all photos comes from two old cameras. The first ones comes from an Agfa Ambi silette. A rangefinder camera  often called the poor mans Leica. Leica cameras are amongst the few cameras that actually are pretty expensive no matter how old they are. Not so with Agfa cameras but this one is really good. I only have one lens and it is a 135mm telephoto lens.

Today all photos comes from two old cameras. The first ones comes from an Agfa Ambi silette. A rangefinder camera often called the poor mans Leica. Leica cameras are amongst the few cameras that actually are pretty expensive no matter how old they are. Not so with Agfa cameras but this one is really good. I only have one lens and it is a 135mm telephoto lens.

It hailed heavily yesterday evening and since temperatures were low all night lots of it covered my car when I woke up this morning. Thankfully the sun showed for a minute or two so it was easy to get rid of before going to work. I think I had driven for five minutes when the snow started to fall. Even I had to admit to myself that it looked pretty but I was a bit worried since I now have summer tires on my car.





The pretty feeling soon vanished because the longer I drove the more it snowed 🙂 At one point it was so hard to see the road that I thought it would be best to stop and slowly drive home again. The road was however so warm that the snow melted as soon as it hit so I continued to work. Just as I arrived the snow stopped falling and I could see some sunshine again. It lasted until I was about to go to the neighbor factory to work, just before I was leaving the snow started to fall again. So even if it is just 200 meters (much the same in yards) to the other place I took the car 🙂





Nothing worked as it should today 🙂 It took quite some time until I even could start working. Something must have been wrong with the paint because it was looking like cement and nothing I did made it better 🙂 I had painted for a while when it suddenly felt like something was tapping me on my head, strange since I was the only one there. So I turned around and saw that the hose from the paint pump had broken and it sprayed me all over my back 🙂 I wear an overall that won’t let any paint through so that didn’t bother me that much.




The worst thing was that everything was covered in paint and my gloves got slippery and it took almost half an hour to fix the hose. I hadn’t worked for long when something else hit me in the back of my head, this time it was the hose for the compressed air that broke 🙂 It just took twenty minutes to fix that hose so I could start working again. I don’t have any clock in there so every now and again I must check the clock in my mobile phone. Guess what? The zipper broke on my overall!!!


The rest of the photos comes from an old camera called Balda Jubilette. It is a viewfinder camera so one has to estimate the distance to the thing one wants to photograph. I am surprised over how good this camera was. It does seem that I have a light leak in it somewhere that I must find.

The rest of the photos comes from an old camera called Balda Jubilette (pre WW2). It is a viewfinder camera so one has to estimate the distance to the thing one wants to photograph. I am surprised over how good this camera was. It does seem that I have a light leak in it somewhere that I must find.



I can’t even be in the paintbox if that is broken and it would take too long to go back to my ordinary workplace to get a new overall so I had to go outside, now without any snow falling but with a strong wind instead. I did manage to fix it, at least so I could continue to work. I’ll bring another one next time I’ll go there, on Thursday they say. It took me twice as long to paint what I should today and I’m so glad that the day is over. From now on it only can be better.





It is time to eat something and after that I’ll sit in front of the tv being grumpy all evening 🙂






Have a great day!

Couldn’t be a much better morning.

View from my entrance.

View from my entrance.

It was cold during the night, almost -15C (5F) and the world had been colored almost totally white. What was even better was that we had a quite thick fog too and no wind at all, so our morning walk was rather pleasant and we were all painted with some frost in our hair. The sun did shine through the clouds after a while and has kept on shining more or less the entire day. It’ll be like this for a few days now, too bad I’ll be working all day.


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This year my lime tree gave me three small limes and two days ago I harvested the first one, We all know that limes are pale yellow-greenish when we cut them open so guess if I got surprised when this first one was brightly orange 🙂 I’ve never heard of a lime having orange fruit pulp and it looked rather amazing to the green outside. It tasted as it should though but the taste was stronger than I had thought it would be since it doesn’t get especially much sunlight here during the winter. I’ll photograph the next one if it is as orange as this one.


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We walked down to the creek later on and I didn’t know that the horse guy would be working today. I didn’t have any digital camera with me so when he and the horses suddenly walked out in front of me there just wasn’t time enough to adjust the camera to take a photo. We walked up-stream and I did think that I should save the last photo just in case we would be lucky again but how big would the chances be that I would be able to adjust the camera before he had went on elsewhere?


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So I took that last photo on the roll and guess if I got annoyed when we met him again, standing still while cutting down a big tree stump, against the light so the last fog could be seen in the distance! It is one of those photos I’ll never take I’m afraid 🙂 It is like when one is out fishing and almost get that big fish and no one believes the story since there is no evidence 🙂


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It is time to take a last walk before it gets dark I think. Tomorrow the sun will stay up until one minute after I’ve stopped working 🙂 It won’t be long now until I’ll have enough daylight to get some photographs when the dogs and I are out walking after work, I think a week or one and a half.


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Have a great day!




It took a few hours.

I don't think I've shown this one before, taken with the Zeiss.

I don’t think I’ve shown this one before, taken with the Zeiss. All standing photos are more manageable if You click on them.

It has been so warm that most of the snow now is gone 🙂 There is however some ice left, especially where I have my gate towards the road. I noticed that this morning when I was going to work.






The ditch that is supposed to take all the melted water has seen better days, it got a bit destroyed when they put down the sewer system last year. So I could see some ice by the gate and also a lot of water.


These four are taken with the Edixa Prismaflex.

These four are taken with the Edixa Prismaflex.




I managed to get down to the gate without slipping to my big surprise  but I stood on the wrong side of the gate, the hasp to open it up was on the other side. So I took one step out into the ice and water. I felt how my foot lowly started to slide away all by itself and when I tried to stand more on my other foot it too started to wander away by its own accord.


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Everything happened in slow motion, I desperately tried to get a good grip on the gate but nothing helped as I slowly, slowly slid down into the water back first 🙂 It was so ridiculous that I just lay there on my back in the water laughing out loud as the water, rather cold I can tell You, worked its way in towards my body 🙂 🙂 🙂 I had to roll around to be able to get up while the water was running down my legs.


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I was thinking about going inside again and change clothes but decided that I just as well could drive to work because who knows if this had happened again the next time I reached the gate? It took a few hours but I did finally dry up 🙂


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It is time for something to eat and some warm cocoa I think.

Have a great day!