Archive for August, 2015

He looks suspiciously at me.

Yesterday evening after the sun had set.
Yesterday evening after the sun had set.

I woke up to a very foggy world this morning and it wasn’t ground fog but “real” fog this time. I took a few photos of it before I left but decided to bring the Minolta camera I’m testing right now to get some photos by the tiny lake on my way to work. I hadn’t driven especially far when the fog vanished, the fog was only thick around the bog it seems.  

I really didn't want to go to work when I saw the fog this morning, I would have loved to take a long walk in it.
I really didn’t want to go to work when I saw the fog this morning, I would have loved to take a long walk in it.


I had a better view from upstairs.
I had a better view from upstairs.                                                                                                      


I did get a few nice photos before the roll had ended but not with any fog, I took a few on my way home instead and these photos You’ll see late this month or early next depending on how much I use the old cameras. I had hoped I would get to see some from those I put in the mailbox late last week but it looks as if I’ll have to wait at least one more day for those.





Sune knows he’s only allowed to take a bath in two of all the creeks around here but today he didn’t care about what he is allowed to do or not, I just heard a big splash and up from the ditch came a not black and white dog but a brown one smelling something nasty! So the first thing I had to do when we came home again was to shower him. It is amazing that a dog who loves water that much can hate to take a shower 🙂 but he suffered through it silently.



No fog this afternoon.
No fog this afternoon.
And this was the most the sun showed itself today.
And this was the most the sun showed itself today.

The first thing he tried to do was to run inside and I missed to stop him! Now, Sune is a dog who one can’t shout too much to because he gets so scared that he starets to pee 🙂 I di try to talk nicely to him to get him outside again before my entire home would be soaking in water. It is amazing how a normally very obedient dog sort of can give you the finger and just refuse to listen. So for once I shouted really loudly towards him and now he walks around looking like I tried to kill him 🙂 🙂 🙂 I think I scared Nova and Orvar too and most possibly my neighbors as well 🙂


From now on it will be photos from the folder "For a rainy day".
From now on it will be photos from the folder “For a rainy day”.

Att spara (5)

Att spara (10)

It is time for something to eat and then I’ll try to make Sune like me again 🙂 He’s looking suspiciously at me right now and when I try to pet him on the head he just lowers it and look miserable but he smells nice 🙂


Att spara (14)

Att spara (15)

Att spara 2 (1)

Have a great day!

Did You know that?


I woke up in the early morning by the sound of rain hitting my cottage really hard, I can’t remember any of the weather reports mentioning rain during the night so I have to admit that I was a bit surprised. They have actually been rather accurate in their predictions lately so I had forgotten how often they actually are wrong :-)Otherwise it seems as if the weather will continue in the same manner as yesterday, some rain, some sun but so far no more rain.






It wasn’t that cold this morning to be honest but the high humidity made it feel like it was, so I wore a fleece sweater on our walk. I could see mist rising up on the mountain as soon as the sun showed itself and even some by one of the swampy fields here near my home but not much. It was all quiet when we were out walking but the sounds started as soon as we came home. I think I heard the motor of my neighbors latest car and I also heard a tractor or two.




Smoke from the Bog Ladies fires :-9
Smoke from the Bog Ladies fires 🙂
Much more up on the mountain, I wonder if they are called Moutain Ladies?
Much more up on the mountain, I wonder if they are called Mountain Ladies?

Our airforce have been out flying a lot above us lately, I guess they’ve gotten lots of more money now when the Russians behave like they do. Back in the days if a child didn’t behave as its parents wanted they always were threatened with ” You better behave or the Russians will come and get You”, I have a feeling that might make a comeback 🙂






Did You know that Sweden once upon a time actually was a super power here in Europe? The Baltic Sea was actually more or less completely inside the Swedish territories. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, northern Poland and northern Germany was actually all Swedish at the same time for a while. It didn’t last very long though and eventually the Russians took Finland from us. Later on we got Norway, much to their surprise since they actually was on their way to break free from Denmark.





We “got” Norway since we had helped to bring down Napoleon, Denmark was on Napoleons side and Copenhagen was heavily bombed bt the Britain navy because of the fear that Napoleon would use their ships against Great Britain. Norway was allowed to have their own constitution and allowed to have their own official language, something they hadn’t been allowed  to under Danish rule. The united kingdom of Sweden-Norway lasted almost 100 years but the Norwegians wanted to be independent which I fully understand and broke free. Thankfully we had a king, Oscar the second, who understood that a war never would solve anything so he did let them go peacefully. Besides, we had tried to take Norway by war before and never managed to do so, “we” even killed our own king (Carl the twelfth) to stop one of those useless wars.


The rest of the photos show flowers in bloom in my garden right now. This is how Broccoli looks like when it flowers, butterflies loves them.
The rest of the photos show flowers in bloom in my garden right now. This is how Broccoli looks like when it flowers, butterflies loves them.
Flowering Maple, it has the same name in Swedish. This one will grow inside during winter though.
Flowering Maple, it has the same name in Swedish. This one will grow inside during winter though.
Calceolaria mexicana, an annual I always want in my garden. Very easy to grow and it looks like slugs doesn't eat it.
Calceolaria mexicana, an annual I always want in my garden. Very easy to grow and it looks like slugs doesn’t eat it.
Dasiphora fruticosa, Golden Hardhack.
Dasiphora fruticosa, Golden Hardhack.

It is time for a pot of tea and after that I’ll do the laundry.

Have a great day!



Rosa rugosa.
Rosa rugosa.
Astilbe chinensis var. pumila. It only grows up to 25cm (10 inches) high.
Astilbe chinensis var. pumila. It only grows up to 25cm (10 inches) high.
Astilbe chinensis, this one is almost a meter (a yard) high. Two favorites of mine.
Astilbe chinensis, this one is almost a meter (a yard) high. Two favorites of mine.
This is the sunflower I got at the plant swapping day. I don't know which one it is though. Perennial sunflowers can be truly weedy and spread like crazy! Needs lots of sun.
This is the sunflower I got at the plant swapping day. I don’t know which one it is though. Perennial sunflowers can be truly weedy and spread like crazy! Needs lots of sun.
This was sown as Maxililians sunflower but I doubt it is. Maximilian should grow up to three meters high but this one is just slightkly higher than a meter (a yard). I also have Jerusalem artichoke which also is a sunflower but it still only have buds. Spreads happily and the roots are quite tasty.
This was sown as Maximilian’s sunflower but I doubt it is. Maximilian should grow up to three meters high but this one is just slightly higher than a meter (a yard). This one doesn’t spread at all without help. I also have Jerusalem artichoke which also is a sunflower but it still only have buds. Spreads happily and the roots are quite tasty.

It would be possible.


This could be the reason I didn’t sleep especially long last night.

I woke up at 4 am today and it was just impossible to go back to sleep again even if it now is pitch black at that time, well not entirely pitch black because of the full moon. So I went outside in the rather cool temperature and tried to get a good photo of it. It was just impossible to get a clear shot of it though, I blame the atmosphere 🙂



Lots of fog outside the village.



I’m feeling robbed of the morning mist, I could see it everywhere but in our village. It was cool enough and the sun rose so there should have been som here too. There was however lots of dew this morning so it was easy to see all the webs this morning. I’m surprised that we have this many flies in this area considering how many spiders we have 🙂 and also counting all insect-eating birds and bats this should be a fly free zone to be honest 🙂



I was talking to a neighbor some time ago, he sighed and said we’ve bought another car again. So I said isn’t it tractors You tend to buy a lot of? and he said, yeah, that too 🙂 Today I saw this car so I guess he bought one more 🙂 🙂
They have loads of tractors 🙂 🙂 The last time I heard about it they had eleven 🙂

The moose flies have started to hatch further south so it’s just a matter of time until they start flying here too. No more forest walks for a while unless we’re having really cold mornings that forces even those devils to stay calm. I rarely say I hate anything but I do hate those flies! They almost didn’t exist in this country thirty years ago and I guess it is the warmer climate that helps them spread northwards. I really don’t like saying this but I think we need a really cold winter without any snow so the ground freeze way down and kill most of them.


Here’s two more of them 🙂 I’m so glad I only go nuts over cheap cameras 🙂



When I paint in the neighbor factory I’m all alone the entire time and have lots of time to let my mind wander of in its own paths 🙂 Last week I started to think about if we didn’t have the internet, would it still be possible to write a sort of blog anyway? I think it would but it would be time-consuming and pretty expensive in the long run 🙂 First we have the problem of finding each other. It could start by just being two persons writing to each other and one of them would invite a third person. So if I would like people in another country to read my letter blog I would have to know a second person in another country.



I couldn’t see the Deerstalker this morning but the doe was there and she followed us just like he usually does 🙂


So I would write something like I already do and then mail a letter, including photographs to the persons reading my blog. They would then respond by writing a comment to me that. I would then have to answer all comments I’ve gotten in one new letter that I then would send to everyone reading my blog 🙂 If a new comment would be sent to me I would have to do it all again but I think I would skip all photos after the first mail I had sent away to everyone 🙂 It would be even more letters if we, like we made a comment to one of the other followers who then most likely would answer to that comment 🙂 🙂 It actually could work 🙂





So if the internet one day collapses we will still be able to keep this up if we wanted to 🙂 It would take time though so perhaps we could be happy if there came a new blog once a week? 🙂 It’s time for a pot of tea and then to fall asleep in front of the tv 🙂



I could see several hundreds of spider webs in just one tiny field today so I can’t understand that we can have this many flies every year!


Have a great day!



It is nice in between showers.

The beekeepers lawn. Looks quite nice doesn't it!
The beekeepers lawn. Looks quite nice doesn’t it!

It is dark when I get up in the mornings now, especially today when I start working one hour earlier than the rest of the week. It’s autumn so I really can’t hope for anything else 🙂 But I could see some ground fog and thought why not bring a camera with me and stop on the way to take some photographs?. So I did but I brought the Minolta I’m trying right now, so You won’t see any of those photos until next month I think. I try to send at least four rolls of film to be developed each time and I’m only on that first roll yet 🙂





I can tell You this much though, if they come out alright they will be really nice 🙂 I’m afraid they might be a bit too dark though but that’s why we have editing programs in our computers 🙂 I also took a few photos after work around my work place but still have a few photos left until I can start on another roll of film with another camera.




I likethese flies. They aren't the annoying kind and shine si brightly in metallic green.
I like these flies. They aren’t the annoying kind and shine so brightly in metallic green.
We have so many Nettle butterflies here now.
We have so many Nettle butterflies here now.

We’re having a really mixed weather here today, strong winds, lots of clouds but still lots of sunshine but also lots of rain. Short lived showers but enough to make me keep my kitchen door closed, too bad since it actually is quite nice when it doesn’t rain. It feels like we will get thunder today, the flies who still hangs around behaves like that but I’ve watched the real-time lightning site and no thunder is even close to us, it still hangs around in Denmark, a bit further south than yesterday. We’ll have much the same weather tomorrow but without the rain they say.


The last six photos are older, I didn't take especially many on our walk after work.
The last six photos are older, I didn’t take especially many on our walk after work.



It is time to feed all the animals and myself too as a matter of fact. I never eat lunch at work on Fridays since I stop working before anyone has a lunch break, so the last time I ate some food today was at 4:40 am. Well I did eat a bun and some cookies at our weekly meeting at 11 am but not enough to keep me not feeling hungry 🙂





Have a great day!

Autumn has arrived and with it its weather.

All photos today comes from the "For a rainy day" folder.
All photos today comes from the “For a rainy day” folder.

The night was just as warm as the day has been and we’ve mostly had really hard showers. Thunder was predicted but it sort of stopped in Denmark but the more northern thunderstorms in Norway did pass over to Sweden. Autumn has arrived and with it its weather. From now on we’ll have cooler weather with showers every now and again.


Att spara (7)

Att spara (8)

Att spara (9)

The rain did stop to fall when I arrived here at home and we even got some sunshine for a while, long enough for the dogs and I to take a walk to the bog and home again. Now the sun is hiding behind dark grey clouds again and I think it is just a matter of time until the rain starts to fall again.


Att spara 2 (2)

Att spara 2 (3)

Att spara 2 (4)

I didn’t bring any digital camera with me on the walk after work but I did bring a camera. When I bought my Minolta XGM two other camera houses sort of came along 🙂 I have to admit that I really didn’t want the two others but it was three cameras in that auction so what to do if I wanted the xgm 🙂 It was two other Minolta’s, one X-300 and one 5000. I thought I just as well try them and see if they worked because the info in the auction said the seller didn’t know if they worked. So two days ago I decided to try the x-300.


Att spara 3 (2)

Att spara 3 (3)

Att spara 3 (4)

It works much like the xgm and it seems to work just fine as well. I have no wish to keep it tough but I think I’ll give it to someone I know who wants to start photography as a hobby too. I’ll just take this roll of film I have in it now, pack it and send it to that person. After that I’ll try the 5000 but I think I need another lens for that one since it is a fully automatic camera. If it works I’ll most likely give it to someone who wants an old-fashioned camera, I really have enough with cameras as it is 🙂


Att spara 4 (8)

Att spara 4 (9)

Att spara 4 (10)

I mailed the four rolls of film I had here at home this morning, so I guess I’ll be able to down load them from the site on Monday or Tuesday. I’m really interested to see if I managed to stop that light leak in my Rolleicord 🙂 and if I did, if I managed to get any good photos from the small market day in Falköping. I’m not used to take black and white photos and it is much more difficult to take good b&w photos than color ones.


Att spara 5 (7)

Att spara 5 (8)

Att spara 5 (9)

It is time to have something to eat and after that I’ll fall asleep in front of the tv 🙂

Have a great day!


Att spara 4 (2)

I could hear the grass scream :-)


I have to say that they day mostly has flown away, even if it is a Tuesday. I normally feel that Tuesdays never pass and sort of drain the force of life out of me 🙂 Only the last hour was like that so I must say it has been a good day.





They had predicted rain and thunder for today, we got the rain but not the thunder. We almost got it yesterday though, one lightning hit the ground in the bog and after that the storm went towards north instead. I could almost hear the grass screaming Lets Grow yesterday as soon as the first raindrops hit the ground 🙂 I didn’t think we got especially much rain but obvious enough for the grass to start growing again, oh how happy I am.



Unusually clear air after the rain today, I could see the Mission Church up on the mountain.

Unusually clear air after the rain today, I could see the Mission Church up on the mountain.


I’ve just paid my bills, including the one for the film developing so now I’ll just take those last photos on the roll of film I have in the Minolta and send those four rolls I have in my fridge to be developed too. It is a bit expensive now days to be honest, I think I could have bought a really great digital Nikon with the money I’ve spent on these film rolls but then again, I wouldn’t have had as much fun 🙂




The mist started to rise as soon as the sun shone for a FEW SECONDS.

The mist started to rise as soon as the sun shone for a few seconds.

I’ve talked with my work friend who knows a lot about a lot of things and there is a spray that I can use to make the previous red window in my old Kodak red again. There’s also a few other plastic foils and tapes I can get. He also said that I even could try a red nail polish and just put thin layers on until it was dark enough and still possible to see through it. It is amazing what people who have cars as hobbies knows about all kind of odd things 🙂


I've saved a lot of photos that I can use on rainy days or like now when I didn't take especially many photos.

I’ve saved a lot of photos that I can use on rainy days or like now when I didn’t take especially many photos.

Att spara (2)

Att spara (3)

It is time to get something to eat, I think I’ll have toast with apricot jam and cheese this evening. I don’t really have the right kind of bread to toast but most bread becomes tasty when toasted 🙂


Att spara 5 (2)

Att spara 5 (3)

Att spara 5 (4)

Have a great day!

It is closing in.

No photos were taken today, they are all a day or more old.
No photos were taken today, they are all a day or more old.

I can hear thunder, it isn’t especially close yet according to the real time lightning map site and it looks like it will pass south to us but one never knows with thunder. I’m not surprised it has come, today is warm and humid and it did rain some earlier today. Also, the few flies still around are behaving insanely right now, they were so bad that I refused to take a walk when I came home after work.






The sky has that ominous led grey color nad there is that smell in the air that only hangs around when thunder is near. I don’t mind a good thunderstorm as long as nothing explodes here in my cottage as it did last summer 🙂 Still I was lucky, it was just the light ramp to the aquarium. My neighbor on the other side of the field lost the entire electrical cabinet, it blew up and the residues of it melted 🙂







I better stop for today, I need to see if any cords needs to be unplugged before it might arrive. I can see that it is closing in and it is moving relatively fast too. Bertil and Teodor are chasing each other in the apple tree right now so for now there’s no risk of lightning here, I think 🙂


These four last ones are taken with the Minolta.




Have a great day!

Almost balmy this morning.


This morning was balmy compared to yesterday’s morning, 5C (41F). Lots more fog as well but it evaporated so much faster because it was as warm as it was. Lots more sounds around as well but no man-made thankfully. Even a few birds were singing which is rather unusual this time of year. Normally they just fly around eating as much as they can before the move south and those staying the winter are usually quite busy feeding the last younglings for the year.






Yesterday morning there were hunters out by the bog so we couldn’t go there to take any foggy photos, today no hunters were out but the fog had already left when we arrived. I love walking there anyway but it is a bit annoying that I can’t walk everywhere when ever I feel like it. Well I better get used to it because the hunting season will continue until late February and to be honest, these hunters do think about us walking around too, they could have been out there every day if they wanted to and they do think about what’s best for the wildlife, not just to shoot anything that moves around.



An island in a lake of mist.



I did the same with the old Kodak camera as I did with the Rolleicord camera. I placed the little flashlight inside it and closed it. I couldn’t find any leaks at all and that confused me a lot. I handled the camera in the worst ways just to see if any light could be seen but no but then I realised what might be wrong! There’s a little round window, with red see through plastic on the back side of the camera. It is there so I can see how far I must advance the film so I can take another photo. It is the only way that I can see how many photos I’ve taken as well so it must be uncovered.






The problem is that it isn’t that red any longer, it’s sort of yellowish  instead and it looks like it fits to where the light damages are in the photo. So now I must find a relatively  dark red see through tape to place over the old one and I think it might be best to also cover the little window in between shots as well just to be sure. So where to find that dark red see through tape? I doubt a toy store can help me this time but perhaps a hobby store can? I’ll see if I can find one on the net that has it. Otherwise I’ll try normal see through tape and color it red myself.






As soon as that’s done I’ll order some film and try the old camera again, the black and white film isn’t especially expensive so I can continue trying lots of times until I’ve fixed the problem 🙂 I do like black and white photos but to be honest it’s much more difficult to get good photos, especially when one doesn’t know the result until the film is developed 🙂






It’s time for a pot of tea and some breakfast I think. Nova is a bit cranky because I had to clean her ear again and put medicine in it as well, now she only accepts the tastiest of treats, the rest she just spits out again 🙂






Have a great day!


I’ll get more chances to get ice cream.

I took this photo from the window upstairs just before the sun was rising above the tree line.
I took this photo from the window upstairs just before the sun was rising above the tree line.

I woke up to a rather cold morning today, only 2,8C (37F) when we were out walking. I have to say that even if I had to wear a fleece jacket the morning still was pretty wonderful. It was so quiet that the sounds my shoes made towards the gravel sounded so loud they would wake up the world. Not a single fly disturbed me and life just felt pretty good 🙂


This one too.
This one too.




I had planned to go to Falköping to pick up Orvar’s medicine early this morning and I wanted to bring one of my older but not too heavy cameras with me. The problem is that they tend to leak in light so the film got more or less destroyed. But how to find those leaks I wondered for a long while until two days ago. I asked a work friend who knows a lot about everything if he knew if there was some kind of flashlight that was so small it would fit into a camera.






He was thinking for a long time until he smiled and said that I should go to a toy store, He knew they sold key chains that also worked as a tiny flashlight. So the first thing I did yesterday when I went to Falköping was to go to the only toy store I know they have there and yes they did have such a key chain 🙂 The good thing is that the batteries in it are solar-powered! So if the lights get weak I just put it in the sunlight for a while and then it works perfectly again 🙂






So last night when it was dark I put the tiny flashlight in my Rolleicord and voila! I found where it leaked in light. It is the lid that actually fits good but it doesn’t take much to make it loosen its grip just enough to let in light. So I loaded the camera with a roll of black and white film, taped black soft tape (we call that kind of tape for electric tape because it’s perfect to use when connecting two electric cables and keep that connection water proof) over the edges of the lid. I’m pretty sure it didn’t leak any light this morning.






I drove to Falköping so I would be there around 9 and realised that they wouldn’t open the pharmacy until 9:30 🙂 So I started to walk around the town square taking photos. I had already taken one at home and double exposed it 🙂 and did the same with the first one I took in the town 🙂 I sort of had forgotten how it works 🙂 The rest eleven photos should be ok though. They were opening a small market this morning and people never mind if one takes photos with one of these old cameras so I could walk around quite undisturbed the entire time 🙂 I won’t send in this roll of film until I have four rolls of film ready to be developed, this was the third one. I can say that I wish I had brought more film and the electric tape because twelve photos was just too few.






Now I’ll do the same with my almost 100-year-old Kodak, it too leaks light and even if I did tape it almost everywhere the last time I tried it, it still leaked in light somewhere. That camera however will only allow me to take 8 photos because the negatives will be so much bigger. I was amazed however how sharp photos I got from that old camera!





This and the following photos comes from the Rolleicord camera. They were originally color photographs with ugly red injuries from light leaks (You'll see that in the next photo). But I could make them look much better by making them look old in my editing program.
This and the following photos comes from the Rolleicord camera. They were originally color photographs with ugly red injuries from light leaks (You’ll see that in the next photo). But I could make them look much better by making them look old in my editing program.

It is time for a pot of tea and perhaps something to eat. I never got any ice cream this morning, I just didn’t want to stay in the town after taking all photos and getting the medicine because the coffee and tea shop wouldn’t open for another half hour when I left the pharmacy. Well, Orvar will need more medicine in 40 days so I’ll get the chance again 🙂


This is how almost all photos looked like before the editing. I do hope I found all leaks now!

This is how almost all photos looked like before the editing. I do hope I found all leaks now!


This is Varnhem's Abbey church. The abbey was demolished but the church was saved.
This is Varnhem’s Abbey church. The abbey was demolished but the church was saved.



Have a great day!


This is a cafe just beside the church. The church is a huge tourist attraction now days.



Not a good combination.

I guess we'll have plenty of Gold Finches here this winter, they just love thistle seeds.
I guess we’ll have plenty of Gold Finches here this winter, they just love thistle seeds.

We’ve had a really nice summer day again here, nature doesn’t seem to understand that autumn should slowly have arrived now. I can feel autumn in the air when I go to work in the mornings though, it sort of smells like it now. Leafs have started to turn yellow and the autumn berries are all more or less ripe now. But it is so dry now that the mushrooms have stopped growing and they are now drying up and becoming fewer again, it’s only the corpse mushroom (they smell like rotten flesh) that still grows as if it is raining like it has all summer 🙂






Nova is a bit grumpy when it comes to her food now, nothing is good enough for her in the morning, she sniffs at it some and then leaves. I just put it in the fridge as the stone hearted man I am but always put something extra in it in the afternoon when she gets it again 🙂 She’s just the same when it comes to treats, only the best and most expensive is good enough for her 🙂 It usually lasts for a week or two and then she’s back to normal again 🙂


Fire weed.
Fire weed. 



Heather is making a comeback in the forest.

I worked in the neighbor factory today so time just flew by, I was a bit stressed since it was my turn to buy the buns and cookies for our weekly meeting. I managed to arrive just a bit late thankfully 🙂 After work I drove to the pharmacy in Falköping to get Orvar’s medicine and as always they didn’t have it but I ordered it so it will arrive tomorrow and I’ll drive there to get it in the morning, Falköping isn’t that fun to be honest so I’ll try to make it a short visit 🙂 I might make a stop at the Tea and Coffee shop though, I want some cherry tea and they do sell the most delicious ice cream too 🙂 Nasty expensive to be honest but as I said, it is delicious 🙂





A bit hazy up on the mountain today.
A bit hazy up on the mountain today.

No need to mow the lawn this week 🙂 It is so dry now that lots of lawns are turning yellow. Mine isn’t but at least it looks like it has stopped growing 🙂 One of my apple trees have delicious apples ready to be eaten now, they are no good for storage so I just pick them from the tree and start eating. I could of course make an apple pie with them so I better check what I have here at home, I think I need custard or perhaps I should make my own this time but then I need other things, like vanilla.




A few photos from the Minolta.
A few photos from the Minolta.


It is time to have some dinner, today I’ll have sausages and french fries, I’ve just put it all in the oven. I never deep fry the fries myself, hot oil and happy dogs is a bad combination to be honest 🙂






Have a great day!

Did You know?


Did You know that almost all swans in the Uk is owned by the royal family? This is what can be learned by watching tv at 5 am in the morning 🙂 A king long ago decided all swans were owned by the royal family, not only because they are beautiful but because they wanted to eat them and not share them with the common people. They have been marking the birds since then so they know exactly how many there are in the wild.


These odd things on the rose are made by Gallflies.
These odd things on the rose are made by Gallflies.




I also learned that they actually taste rather bad but was seen as a delicatessen since the only the royals were allowed to eat them 🙂 I also learned that princess Diana didn’t like pets at all, especially horses since she as a young girls was badly bitten by one, Shew was however against hunting and refused to participate when the family went up to Scotland to hunt. A good thing I turned on the tv at that hour, otherwise You would most likely never know these important things 🙂




Hare tail grass.
Hare tail grass.


4C (39,2F) here this morning and I could see some ground fog and was thinking about bringing the camera so I could take some photos by the tiny lake I pass every morning on my way to work. It vanished early though so I didn’t bring the camera, too bad because it was lots of it on the way and especially by the lake 🙂 You should only know what photos You missed today 🙂 I’m not sure if I can say that we’re having drought here but it sure is dry here now. I normally don’t water any plants but those I really want to have here but today I did water more than just the potted plants.





My walnut however looks better than most other trees and plants here, some trees are so dry now that the leafs are turning yellow and falling off. Too bad this didn’t happen during our vacations 🙂 I wonder if this will kill off any fly larvae and perhaps even the coming moose flies, I sure hope so!


In my garden right now.
In my garden right now.




It is time for something to eat and then some tv time before bed.

Have a great day!

Just as bad today!


I still have lots of photos taken with the Minolta to show.

It’s just as bad today I’m afraid and since nothing special has happened at work I’m not sure what I should write about today.






So I’ll come back on Thursday instead and then I will write something no matter if anything pops up in my head or not 🙂






Have a great day!





My mind is empty today.


My mind is totally blank today. There was something I thought I would write about the other day and was on my way to make a note but something disturbed me on my way to my note-book and now it’s totally gone 🙂







I’ll return tomorrow instead so I have some time to see if I can remember what it was I wanted to write about 🙂



I can’t remember if I’ve shown these eight photographs taken with the Minolta. I always delete all photos I post here but sometimes they pop up again and I can’t figure out why 🙂





Have a great day!






It would dry in a few minutes.


We’ve had a cloudy morning today and even if it actually was much warmer than the sunny ones it did feel much colder. It’s a cold front that tries to fly in above us but the high pressure will push it back and towards north instead, the high pressure is already winning the battle because most clouds have now disappeared. We’ll have strong winds for a few days more though.






I really have nothing special to do today, normally I do the laundry on Sundays but I worked that off bit by bit during the week. There is a little that I can wash but it could just as well wait until next Sunday. I think the forest will be off limit all day today since it’s the premiere of the deer buck hunting today. But I think that if they haven’t shot any so far this morning they won’t shoot anything for the rest of the day either, they don’t like to move around when the wind is as strong as it is today and I know my deer bucks and how and when they move around 🙂






I only won around $2 US on the lottery this weekend so I will need to continue to work for at least one more week 🙂 Too bad since we’ll have really nice weather here this week 🙂





I think today will be a pancake day, both the dogs and I like that 🙂 I always make them a few to sahre and lots for myself too of course. I could do waffles instead but the waffle iron is an old heavy one that gets so messy every time I use it, it’s easier with pancakes to be honest 🙂


In my garden right now.

In my garden right now.







It’s time for a pot of tea and perhaps I should do that laundry, thge wind blows so hard that it’ll dry the laundry in a few minutes 🙂


The three last Hasselblad photos. The blue "haze" is quiet visible here. I think it is because I bought this cheap film called Lomography which is a genre in photographing named after a cheap bad Soviet built camera :-)

The three last Hasselblad photos. The blue “haze” is quiet visible here. I think it is because I bought this cheap film called Lomography which is a genre in photographing named after a cheap bad Soviet built camera 🙂



Have a great day!

It isn’t fun when it is dry and it is even worse when it is wet.


We’re having a strong wind again today (and it will last for a few days they say) that works like a giant hairdryer together with the sun so I had to water all my vegetables today and a few other potted plants as well. The wind didn’t do an especially good job with the grass though because it was soaking wet even if we haven’t had any rain in days. It’s boring to mow the lawn as it is and it is even much worse when it is wet.







It looks like the few remaining flies we have here now lives in my garden, I got bitten bad a few times while mowing and there were some forest flies that wanted to check out how it looks inside my ears, so I had to put in earplugs to keep them out 🙂 I don’t have those problems anywhere else right now, not even by the bog.






Nothing much else has happened here today. The hunting season for deer buck starts tomorrow morning so I had a talk with the hunters. They’ll be out already at 4:30 am and will as they have said put out signs on every road. They have also been informed not to shoot my stalker 🙂 so they will stay away from the areas he usually walk around in. No doe will be shot at all this year if I understood things right, these hunters are all for wildlife preservation and will do what is necessary to keep the wildlife healthy and strong.






It is time for a pot of tea even if it really is too late for that but I feel so tired that I doubt any tea will keep me up this night, I’ve just woken up from a nap and it feels like I should have stayed in bed 🙂






Have a great day!


I end today with four photos from the Hasselblad camera.

I end today with four photos from the Hasselblad camera.




I really couldn’t complain, could I :-)


The day started our very much like yesterday morning, sunny and cold but without the fog. There was very little dew too so it was hard to see the spider webs in most parts of the fields. It was quite nice even if I really should have worn a sweater, I’ll think of that tomorrow morning.






The garage called me and said my car was ready to be picked up. There was a spare part they didn’t have and neither their supplier, it’s a part of the exhaust pipe that has a hole in it, so they fixed it temporarily with some gunk called Gungum. It’ll last for a while and then they’ll fix the pipe just before I’ll go to the annual vehicle inspection.


The big spider is called a Korsspindel (Cross Spider) here in Sweden. It has a big white and beautiful cross on its back

The big spider is called a Korsspindel (Cross Spider) here in Sweden. It has a big white and beautiful cross on its back




I started walking to the bust stop and it didn’t take long before a neighbor asked if he should drive me there but I said no because I had brought one of the old cameras and wanted to take a few photos on the way. I was almost at the stop when I saw how fast time had passed and hurried to the bust stop and made it just in time to when the bus was supposed to arrive. How wrong I was 🙂 I was almost 25 minutes early 🙂 I’m not sure why I thought the bus would arrive at that time but I walked down to the lake and got some photos there.


Alemon butterfly. It looks just the same on the other side of tye wings.

A Lemon butterfly. It looks just the same on the other side of the wings.



A Green Katydid. It is said that it can become 35mm (1,4 inches) long but this one is almost twice that. I wonder if it is pooping on the bulrush? It's a male so it doesn't lay eggs as I thought at first :-)

A Green Katydid. It is said that it can become 35mm (1,4 inches) long but this one is almost twice that. I wonder if it is pooping on the bulrush? It’s a male so it doesn’t lay eggs as I thought at first 🙂

I hadn’t been standing for long at the bust stop when another village drove by on the highway. He stopped and pulled back to the bust stop and sort of parked on the road and told me to jump in to his car. There was no time to argue at that point because several lorries were on the way and it didn’t look as if they would stop or even try to pass him on the outside 🙂 He drove me all the way to the garage even if I did try to make him stop much earlier 🙂 I really can’t complain when people wants to help, can I 🙂 🙂

The rest of the photos (except for the absolutely last one)  comes from the Minolta XGM.

The rest of the photos (except for the absolutely last one) comes from the Minolta XGM.


These photographs look like they were taken in the 50’s 🙂



I drove by the grocery store in Gudhem on my way home, I really didn’t want anything special, perhaps an ice cream but who knew what I might find in there. Nothing much because they didn’t have much to sell. I’m afraid the store doesn’t have long time left. Lots of the shelves only had a few items standing on them and lots of it was close to the expiring date or had passed it. It was sad to see and I’m pretty sure it’ll be gone before Christmas if not much earlier than that. It’s also the post office and that too will be gone when the store closes down.






It’s time to take a short nap and after that we’ll take a walk, in the forest I think. The sun is shining and it is warm and nice outside. The wind is also blowing and rather briskly I may say. Can’t get much better than that, can it? 🙂






Have a great day!



A long walk this morning.

This is a nice weather in the early morning.

This is a nice weather in the early morning.

I’ve just woken up from a nap and the weather is just fantastic! It was cold and foggy when I woke up at  am and it stayed that way until after I drove away to the garage to leave my car for some repairs. I could have left it after work yesterday but since I don’t know when the bus leaves and I still need to walk for at least 45 minutes before I reach my home I thought I better wait until this morning. I knew we would get sunshine and pretty nice temperatures today.






It's just a few seconds between this and the previous photo and what a difference!

It’s just a few seconds between this and the previous photo and what a difference!

It was around 5C (41F) when I left and I did wonder if I should bring a sweater but I thought I would be warm enough by walking from the bust station if I was lucky to get to the bust stop and the bus would arrive soon enough. Sometimes it’s just better to keep on walking if I’ve just missed it since it only goes once every hour. I left a note in the car that if he would find anything else that needed to be fixed right now I wanted him to call me and left my phone number too. I was lucky at the bust stop so I jumped on the bus and only had to walk those 45 minutes, well it took a bit longer since I stopped to photograph every now and again.


Leaving the village.

Leaving the village.


Gudhem hostel.

Gudhem hostel.


The sign says: Drive slow, wild kids! :-)

The sign says: Drive slow, wild kids! 🙂


I was right about the sweater, it would have been way to warm wearing one while walking because even if the wind blew quite chilly I still felt very warm since the sun shone in my back all the way home. The fly season os definitely over now because not even when I walked between two cow pastures where all the cows stood beside the fences and I was in the middle very few flies annoyed me. You would most likely feel there were plenty but then again You know by now how bad it can be here 🙂

View from the bust stop. The fog lies heavy over the bog here at home. The wind power plant in the middle stand just outside the village where I work. It isn't at all as close as it looks, the tele-photo lens make it look much closer than it is.

View from the bust stop. The fog lies heavy over the bog here at home. The wind power plant in the middle stand just outside the village where I work. It isn’t at all as close as it looks, the tele-photo lens make it look much closer than it is.

The lake.

The lake.


Gudhem church and the abbey ruins.

Gudhem church and the abbey ruins.

The lake and lots of fog.

The lake and lots of fog.

The dogs and cats didn’t mind me coming home so fast again 🙂 but they were all sleeping when I arrived and opened the door to the dog house. It’s always fun to surprise them like that because at first they react as if I was an intruder and makes an awful lot of noise but as soon as they realise it’s me they get deadly silent 🙂 We took a walk as soon as I came home and for a second I actually was thinking about mowing the lawn today but luckily for me that idea died fast 🙂 We’ll have this weather for at least the rest of the week so I’ll have time enough to do it anyway 🙂


I went to the lake after jumping of the bus.

I went to the lake after jumping of the bus.


Bjurum castle.

Bjurum castle.



Instead I did some laundry, watched some tv and took that small nap. I still feel like I should sleep a few hours but I doubt that would be good for my night sleep 🙂 Instead I’ll make some lunch, fries and hotdogs I think because I won’t have to use my brain doing that 🙂 Long time since I had that anyway. The last time I ate fries must be over a year ago on a hamburger place. The hamburger was so so but the fries were just fantastic 🙂


These four are from the Hasselblad camera.

These four are from the Hasselblad camera.




It is time to do that lunch and perhaps the dogs will get a few fries too, I’m not sure they ever have had that. Today I have over 150 photos to show, some from the Hasselblad, some from my Minolta and lots from this morning. I can’t show them all and I still haven’t decided which ones to show either. It’ll be just as a big surprise for me as it will for You 🙂


The six last photos are from the Minolta XGM.

The six last photos are from the Minolta XGM.

A101209_23 A101209_24




Have a great day!



I wonder where my energy is?


I worked in the neighbor factory today and that was just perfect since I don’t have any energy to do anything 🙂 I went to bed already at 9 pm yesterday to the sound of a light rain and woke up a few minutes before the alarm started, only because Nova decided it was a good time to be scratched on the belly 🙂 🙂 It was a good reason to be honest 🙂 It continued to rain during the day but now the sun shines and the humidity is so high it feels like walking in a sauna.


I did take the same photo twice sometimes but with different setting, just so I could see the difference.

I did take the same photo twice sometimes but with different setting, just so I could see the difference. This one is clearly better that the top one according to myself 🙂




I bought a bag of tea and a bottle with green soap the other week, I know I brought it in to the kitchen but after that it has been gone 🙂 So yesterday I thought that if I bought the same thing again the old ones would turn up, they always do. So I did that and the first things I found when I came home was the tea and green soap 🙂 I know that the soap didn’t stand on the kitchen sink when I left home in the morning but it did when I came home. I’m pretty sure it’s the small ones that played a trick with me, there’s no other explanation 🙂 🙂




I think this second one is the best.

I think this second one is the best.

The first film rolls are now developed so that’s what You can see here today, it’s from the Hasselblad camera. I like it how they make it possible to down load the photos before they send them home to me. Of course these photos aren’t the highest quality but good enough to show and I have edited them slightly. The film rolls I used this time was called Lomography and that thought it was some kind of brand but it turns out that it is a kind of photography genre. It all started with old Russian cameras camera called Lomo. It’s made totally in plastic, even the lens. The cameras also let in light and some people liked the style of those photos and a new genre was born.





Some of my photos have an odd blue sort of foggish surface and I guess that can have to do with the fact that the film might not have too high quality 🙂 I can see that it mostly has happened on photos when it was fairly dark  while I took the photo. Never mind, I’m just taking these photos because I enjoy it, not because I live on taking and selling photos 🙂 🙂 🙂  Otherwise they turned out quite well. I’m still waiting for the two other rolls, at least one is from the Minolta XGM and the other one might be from the Edixa (the roll from that camera can be the one I have in my fridge though 🙂 ).




No big difference in these two though. All photos were taken in the early mornings.

  It is time to make something to eat and I think I’ll have cocoa today even if it is warm.

Have a great day!

I never have to walk hungry this time of year :-)

The sunrise this morning.

The sunrise this morning.

Sorry it is Monday and I feel I won’t have time enough to write any post today. I’ll return tomorrow again and will leave You with a few photos from today and yesterday.




I never have to walk hungry this time of year, lots of wild raspberries along every road here.

I never have to walk hungry this time of year, lots of wild raspberries along every road here.

Some Rowan trees have lots of berries this year, others have almost no berries at all.

Some Rowan trees have lots of berries this year, others have almost no berries at all.


Have a great day!



I could see where fairy tales come from.


I’ve slept with my head in a strange angle so this morning has been dominated with a real bad headache, finally after four hours, three cups of strong coffee and some relaxing in front of the tv watching a bad but in a fun way tv series called Psych. Nova and Sune slept beside me in the sofa and I had to scratch them the entire time otherwise they wouldn’t stay still 🙂 I’ve never allowed any of my dogs up in the sofa but since they all are up in it some time during the night I just gave up that idea 🙂


The bog ladies had just put out their fires :-)

The bog ladies had just put out their fires 🙂



The early morning was chilly and fly free. As soon as the sun rose so did the ground mist, I wish I had brought one of the old cameras but it didn’t look like we would get any mist so I left it at home. Well I guess we’ll get more of it soon enough anyway and I am waiting for the four film rolls they will develop this coming week. I put them in the mailbox a few weeks ago but I later found out that they wouldn’t develop anything again until week 33.


Suddenly she just stood there. She wasn't stressed at all as You can see and we came as close as 5 meters (much the same in yards).

Suddenly she just stood there. She wasn’t stressed at all as You can see and we came as close as 5 meters (much the same in yards).

Still no signs of being afraid of us. She then took two leaps in to the field, stopped and watched us walk away.

Still no signs of being afraid of us. She then took two leaps in to the field, stopped and watched us walk away.

I got really surprised when we were out walking because birds started to sing as the sun rose, it has been quiet here for some time now but I guess a few days with warm and nice weather made them think it might be summer after all 🙂 I’ve realised that magpies aren’t early birds, they didn’t start making any noisy until just now but no one seems to care about them, not even the cats who are asleep here in the kitchen.





Today I’ll do the laundry and it is a good day to do the laundry because it will dry quickly since the sun is shining, it’s warm and a weak wind is blowing so it’ll dry fast. I’ll also mow the lawn and I hope that wind will grow some in strength so no flies (there are still some left) will start to annoy me. I’ll be annoyed enough since I most likely must dig out grass from the mower several times, it’s so long now that it really can’t dry completely. I really can’t complain since it’s my own fault for not mowing in a long time 🙂


We even got to see some mist out on the bog. It was totally quiet and I can understand where fairy tales come from when seeing this.

We even got to see some mist out on the bog. It was totally quiet and I can understand where fairy tales come from when seeing this.



I’ve put in a few more photos in my National Geographic album since the last time, so if You want to see them click on this link: National Geographic. A new window should open up when You click there.




It is time to do the laundry but first I’ll have another cup of strong coffee just to be sure the headache stays away, the mowing can wait a few more hours I think 🙂

Have a great day!

A rather nice morning.

I always like to see a foggy morning.

I always like to see a foggy morning.

Once again I slept for unusually long and thought that I’ve missed the beat part of the day, when the sun rise but there was no sun to see, instead we had fog and that might even be better 🙂 It stayed for quite some time and that’s something it doesn’t do as long as it is summer. I won’t say that autumn has arrived but it is close now.






This was one of those mornings when I wouldn’t be surprised if I was the only human left on the planet. Thick fog and not a sound to be heard, it was so quiet that the only thing that could be heard was my shoes on the gravel road, not even the magpies made a sound and all the cows mostly ate or looked at us while we were passing them. It is still very quiet here but the magpies have decided to stay in my garden again telling all the world that they aren’t afraid of dogs, humans or cats 🙂






They should fear cats though because Bertil almost took one the other day and it was pure luck that the young magpie managed to escape. The rest of that evening the magpies complained like crazy in my apple tree, I could scare them away for a minute or two but then they returned and continued to complain 🙂 🙂 I wonder why they choose this garden where dogs and cats can try to take them all the time when there are places so much safer to stay at?






We always have lots of seagull on the roof at my work and most people complain a lot about them since they tend to poop on our cars 🙂 (I love them though but then again I don’t own a brand new car 🙂 ). They’ve tried almost everything to scare them away without any bigger success, not until someone bought a kite! They are now selling kites that are attached to a fishing rod, You know the kind they have when angling for fish. They attached the rod to the roof it only takes a very weak wind to make this kite fly, the seagulls vanished within minutes and haven’t come back for over a month! By the way, do You know that the Swedish name for kites are “drakar” which is the same name we use for dragons?






Most of the fog is gone now but the sky will remain cloudy for most of the day according to predictions, I don’t mind if only the humidity will sink a lot because it’s sky-high now. I’ll mow the lawn later today if the grass dries up some, otherwise I’ll mow it tomorrow when we according to predictions will have a warm and sunny day. I’ll believe it if it happens 🙂






Have a great day!



It wasn’t as bad as it sounded.

My Hollyhocks.

My Hollyhocks.

It did feel like I worked an extra day when I had to keep working to two pm instead of going home at noon as I always do on Fridays 🙂 It wasn’t so much that I had to work but because it is a hot and awfully humid day. That is Scandinavian hot so it has been around 28C (82,4 F). The heat is easy to take but not the humidity, it feels like walking in a steam bath. But I will not complain, we’ve had such a chilly summer so any day with warm weather is welcome 🙂



Rosa rugosa.

Rosa rugosa.

My Lime tree has been flowering all summer.

My Lime tree has been flowering all summer.

We went out to the bog when I came home and a weak wind did its best to keep us a bit cooler but the most surprising thing was that as soon as we came out to the bog the flies vanished. There were some annoying us on the way but out there they were gone 🙂 If I now only can get the flies in my cottage to go outside to die too I would be happy 🙂 Not a single bird sings now, instead the grasshoppers and katydids have taken over. It is amazing how these small insects can sound so much 🙂 I like it a lot though and I’ll fall asleep to the sound tonight since the katydids sit in the big lilacs just outside my bedroom window.





Yesterday morning when I almost had reached my work place I could hear a strange sound from the back of my car. I couldn’t figure out what it was so I didn’t care about it too much. On my way home however it sounded much more and even if the sound didn’t fit I thought it might be a wheel bearing that slowly was giving up. It sounded really bad from time to time but that was nothing to how it sounded when I started driving on the gravel road here in the village. Wheel bearings usually takes its time before it gives up so the sound can be heard for a long time so I was surprised that it was giving up that fast.


Life is wonderful when chewing a stick after bathing in the bog :-)

Life is wonderful when chewing a stick after bathing in the bog 🙂



So I started to wonder if I prehaps had driven over something that had been caught and was dragged along with the car. It turns out that it is a plastic belt that holds the petrol tank in place. Well to be honest, it is one of the things that holds it in place. I tried to move it both yesterday and this morning but it was impossible, thankfully 🙂 So I called the garage and they’ll take my car next Thursday. They’ll also fix some other small things before I need to go to the annual vehicle inspection in September (and check if there’s anything else that needs to be fixed). It’s only one person there because they too have vacation this time of year 🙂






My closest boss didn’t work this week and the factory owner was on vacation too so I just put a big note up on the factory owners desk telling him that I must stay at home Thursday and Friday next week since they aren’t sure that my car will be ready to leave the garage already on Thursday afternoon, it isn’t easy to estimate how long time all the other jobs will take when it’s only one person working.


In my garden now: I sowed over 30 seeds of this low growing sunflower, one plant is the result :-)

In my garden now: I sowed over 30 seeds of this low growing sunflower, one plant is the result 🙂

Illiamna remota.

Illiamna remota.

Berkheya purpurea.

Berkheya purpurea.

The last flower on the wild rose the birds refuse to eat the hips during winter. It has flowered for over a month now.

The last flower on the wild rose the birds refuse to eat the hips during winter. It has flowered for over a month now.

It’s time to drink something cool and perhaps have a chocolate covered Dinosaur cookie or two 🙂

Have a great day!

I think their season is at its end now.

Taken from my window upstairs this morning.

Taken from my window upstairs this morning.

It has been a rather warm and nice day again, I’m not surprised after all I am working all day now 🙂 But the good thing is that the weekend will be rather nice too and that means I need to mow the lawn even if I really don’t want to. The only reason I do it is because there will be less tics in the garden if I do. We have plenty around as it is anyway 🙂





There are less flies around now 🙂 We still have plenty enough anyway but just knowing that their season is coming to its end makes us all happy here. We need a long dry period in spring so most fly larvae dies to get a reasonable fly free summer, still You would probably think it would be nasty to be here anyway 🙂




I met the hunters when we were out walking this afternoon and they told me that there will be even more signs by the roads when they start hunting again and it seems they mostly have been thinking of me! They know that I’m always out there somewhere so now there will be no risk what so ever that I’ll walk in to any area they will be hunting in. I told them that the risk was very little anyway since I’m up and out walking long before they even get close to the forest 🙂 🙂 🙂





I ate my first big carrot yesterday 🙂 I’ve sown orange, red and white ones and this was an orange one and very tasty. I also harvested the first broccoli yesterday, just a few (what Do You call it? bouquets?) but that will make them want to produce more. I’ve already harvested some of the red onions last week but there will be more this weekend. I’ve also had many of my tomatoes on my sandwiches and I can’t remember when I could pick tomatoes this early before.





It is time to make one or two of those sandwiches now and I think there are a few tomatoes I can have today too 🙂

Have a great day!

A bit too warm :-)

We had a really nice morning here but no fog as we had yesterday.

We had a really nice morning here but no fog as we had yesterday.

It is hot today! Two days ago it barely reached 18C (64,4F), today it reached 29C (84,2F). It isn’t nice at all but thankfully the humidity still is rather low and a breeze helps us to manage this temperature swing. They have predicted thunder for tonight so I thought the flies would be more nasty than usual but they didn’t even care about me in those places the wind didn’t reach. I wonder if it is too early to hope that their season is over now?





The morning walk took a bit longer than usual because it grows raspberry bushes all the way down and I had to try the berries on each and every bush we passed. This part ofbthe road is over 200 meters (much the same in yards).

The morning walk took a bit longer than usual because it grows raspberry bushes all the way down and I had to try the berries on each and every bush we passed. This part of the road is over 200 meters (much the same in yards).



The temperature will drop down to 20C (68F) already tomorrow and it will stay around that for the rest of the week but we all know how well they predict the weather here so who knows what it really will be like 🙂 I was thinking about making a peach cobbler after work today but it’s just too warm to start the oven now, so I’ll make it tomorrow instead.






The dogs prefer to stay where the wind reach them so Nova and Sune have been sleeping in the shadow on the south side of the cottage since they had their dinner and Orvar indoors where the wind blows from upstairs down to the kitchen door. I have no idea where the cats are but they are most likely sleeping under a bush or something, they didn’t even have the energy to eat anything this afternoon 🙂


I couldn't see any but it smelled lots of moose here.

I couldn’t see any but it smelled lots of moose here.



It is time to harvest broccoli now, there isn’t much to harvest to be honest but I have waited too long some years so they instead of producing more flowered. I wonder if I can do anything with the broccoli leafs? There are lots of them and I guess they can be edible too, the stem is so why not the leafs? Do anyone of You know?


The last photos from the plant swapping day.

The last photos from the plant swapping day.





I work different hours this week, we’re only four people working in my department this week so we now work from 7 am to 4 pm except for Friday when I start a bit earlier to clean the painting box and stop working around 2 pm. It feels like I’m going home an hour earlier every day now but I think those two hours I will work longer on Friday will feel like an entire week 🙂



The pond is huge and I think it is full with cray fish, something we Swedes love.

The pond is huge and I think it is full with cray fish, something we Swedes love.




It is time to make something to eat and after that I think I’ll fall asleep in front of the tv 🙂

Have a great day!

