Zorki 6.

A tad cold today.

From the Zorki 6.

From the Zorki 6.

It was -18,4C (-1,1F) when I drove to work this morning and it isn’t much warmer now. Well less cold is perhaps the better choice of words 🙂 but there’s no wind so it doesn’t feel that bad to be honest. The snow on the ground is very noisy though, it sounds like the ground is breaking every time I take a step 🙂 Tomorrow morning will be even colder they say, how fun.






The good news though is that my winter boots has arrived to the post office in Falköping so I’ll fetch them on my way home from work. They deliver the packages in a super market so I can buy what I need there at the same time. I hope the traffic will be less bad because of the cold weather because even though the town is small the traffic there is just insane! It is hard to find a parking spot too I’m afraid. The weather institutes are asking people not to be outside unnecessary when it is as cold as it will be tomorrow so I hope people listens and stays at home so I can get a parking space easily 🙂


From the Hasselblad.

From the Hasselblad. Most photos get more manageable if You click on them.

A18985_002 1§ (3)

A18985_002 1§ (4)

A18985_002 1§ (5)

Professor Snape is dead and by that I mean the great actor Alan Rickman. I’ve seen and admired him in many movies but for me he will always be Professor Snape, the only truly interesting character in the Harry Potter movies. He had a voice that could make any boring text interesting, someone once said that he could read through a telephone book and make it sound as if he was reading poetry 🙂 I think that was true 🙂


From the Zeiss.

From the Zeiss.


Another at least double exposure :-)

Another at least double exposure 🙂


The fire is burning in the stove and it is time to make something to eat. It is definitely a hot cocoa evening and I think cheese sandwiches are the best one can have to hot cocoa 🙂


I think these are from the Edixa Prismaflex and not the Nikon as I first thought, the grainyness tells me it is the Edixa :-)

I think these are from the Edixa Prismaflex and not the Nikon as I first thought, the grainyness tells me it is the Edixa 🙂




Have a great day!

From now it will get colder and colder.

The Zorki 6 takes quite good photos but I have edited away the light leak in this photo.The Zorki 6 takes quite good photos but I have edited away most of  the light leak in this photo. All photos will be more manageable if You click on them.


They had finally made the roads rather good after the last snow fall when it suddenly started to snow again. Now it starts to get colder so I have no high hopes of good roads tomorrow morning. The weather predictions vary slightly but they all show that it from now on will get colder and colder. It might be as cold as -17C (1,4F) or even colder on Friday morning and it will most likely be even colder during the weekend. We all know how sure the predictions longer than one day are so who knows what it will be like 🙂


This is how the light leak looks like in the Zorki. The first photo only shows this :-)

This is how the light leak looks like in the Zorki. The first photo only shows this 🙂




I do hope the boots I ordered have arrived by then but  it won’t be slippery on the roads if it get that cold anyway. Ice gets a rough surface if the temperature drop below -10C (14F) and the deep snow we walked in on Sunday is less high because lots melted these two warm days, I will most likely be able to walk on the icy crust when it gets that cold. I think I’ll buy more deer food even if they haven’t come here yet to eat what I’ve put out. I think they feel  trapped here because they have put up new fences outside my garden, sheep fences. They are pretty high and there are six electric cables going parallel around the pasture. No wolf walks through that without learning that it is very painful.


I brought the Hasselblad camera with me one dark and grey morning because I wanted to see how dark it could be to take photos with it. These photos aren't at all as grainy as many other cameras give. I guess that is a sign of good quality.

I brought the Hasselblad camera with me one dark and grey morning because I wanted to see how dark it could be to take photos with it. These photos aren’t at all as grainy as many other cameras give. I guess that is a sign of good quality.




The deer will be pretty desperate if they can’t kick through the snow to get to the grass they want so I’m pretty sure they will turn up again as soon as it gets nasty cold in two days. I also hope that Nova will realise that it is better to stay in a warm dog house when it gets that cold outside than to get in to the garage when I’m off to work, she can get in without any problems but she can’t get out again 🙂 They have at least left the rug where it hangs in front of the entrance. I have so many screws holding it now that it would take so much work to get rid of it that not even a stubborn Sune will be able to remove it 🙂


Too bad she wasn't any closer when I took this photo. The last eight are from the Zeiss.

Too bad she wasn’t any closer when I took this photo. The last eight are from the Zeiss.






It is time to make some cocoa and perhaps a sandwich too. The fire is burning in the stove and it will keep on burning until I go to bed.







Have a great day!