It can be so easy some times.

Not the best photo of a raven :-) For once one landed outside my kitchen window in the cow pasture but I think they can feel when something is pointed towards them because they always fly away when I try to take a photo.

Not the best photo of a raven 🙂 For once one landed outside my kitchen window in the cow pasture but I think they can feel when something is pointed towards them because they always fly away when I try to take a photo.

Summer returned today but it will be gone by tomorrow again. It will however show on Thursday just to be gone on Friday 🙂 The weekend might be like summer again but they say one thing on tv and it sais one thing on the net, both predictions are made from the same company 🙂


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I got a phone call at work today and at first I thought it was a telemarketer but the number looked odd for that, so I answered. It turns out it was a person from the department who decides about my sewer. She was in the neighborhood when they called her and said she should go to me, too bad they forgot to tell me though 🙂 She just wanted an explanation on where I was planning on letting the water from the shower, dishwashing and shower out. So I guided her via the phone to the place.


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Naturally I thought something would turn up making things problematic, the previous one was like that. Guess if I got surprised when she said “Just great”! Excellent! I said that I did wonder why they had to go to my place one more time since they already had been here and she wondered the same 🙂 So now she’ll send me a letter telling me that I have to change the system I have and as soon as the letter arrives I have two years to start with the change. If only all officials had been that easy to talk to! By the way, I’ll let that water out where I have my vegetable garden, my sandy soil is always dry so the water will do miracles because I don’t always remember to water 🙂


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I saw her quite early and coughed, whistled, shouted and moved around but it took a really long time until she finally moved away :-) I thought perhaps she had a baby there but I couldn't find any.

I saw her quite early and coughed, whistled, shouted and moved around but it took a really long time until she finally moved away 🙂 I thought perhaps she had a baby there but I couldn’t find any.

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It is time to make something to eat and I think I’ll dare to make some tea too 🙂 The kitchen door is open and I think it already is time to put up the mosquito nets again, I killed my first one yesterday evening 🙂

Have a great day!


Sally now waits for my dogs to come and greet her :-)

Sally now waits for my dogs to come and greet her 🙂

The crab apple tree is in bloom. I do hope my trees open up soon too because that tree is a good pollinatoir to my apple trees.

The crab apple tree is in bloom. I do hope my trees open up soon too because that tree is a good pollinator to my apple trees.

6 responses

  1. Dianna

    Hi Christer! I think its a “thing” of all black and white cats – they love dogs! Our black and white cats just adore our dogs. Wonder if they are genetically made up to be this way? Sounds like your weather cannot make up its mind! 🙂 We are finally reaching summer – temperatures are going to be lovely for the next little bit. We have a long weekend coming up this weekend and we are heading to the cottage. I am looking forward to it! A few days out in the forest is just what my soul needs. Maybe I will see a deer or two. I hope no wolves though! Its not Karma I worry about any longer as she is the size of a small pony, but our Tucker. He’s small and would be just right for a wolf or coyote. Plus I hear the woodticks are really, really BAD at the cottage. So, we will be on tick duty as well. I hope your evening was pleasant and the tea didn’t keep you from falling asleep!

    May 17, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    • Hi Dianna!

      It could actually be that way. I know that if people breed on only brown Newfoundland dogs they become aggressive but if they mix in a black one every third generation the brown ones are just as kind as all others. Ginger cats seems to have a tendency to have tricky moods for instance.

      No, every second day weather here 🙂 Well there’s no chance of getting bored by it anyway 🙂

      No long weekend until we have our national day here, June sixth and it comes on a Monday 🙂

      I wouldn’t mind seeing a wolf or bear even if bears are really rare this far south. As long as I know they are around I would like it because then I would keep an eye on my dogs all the time., We have lots of ticks here but not as many as I feared. It seems those cold days with no snow on the ground killed lots of them 🙂

      I fell asleep like a log 🙂

      Have a great day!


      May 18, 2016 at 6:01 pm

  2. Christer,
    I got a notice from the town that my septic tank needed to be emptied. For me living alone, that is ridiculous. The last time it was only half-full through over 20 years. It may even be less than that now.

    They have stopped giving permits for outdoor showers, They worry about the ground water and soap. Mine is illegal as I never did get a permit.

    My sister said it has been freezing in Colorado. Here it has been in the 60’s during the day and the 40’s at night. I’ll take that weather.

    I’ll know tomorrow if Fern’s kidney is the same or better or worse. She is on 2 medications. She seems fine and her usual self.

    Have a great evening!

    May 18, 2016 at 1:48 am

    • Hi Kat!

      We must empty ours every year, doesn’t matter how much we have filled it. We don’t even have to order it, they have put us all on a schedule 🙂 Mine is emptied every late October. They’ll stop comming when I have the new things working.

      I wonder if we need permits? Most likely since we tend to need permits for anything and everything 🙂 I wouldn’t care about getting one though, I alöready let my laundrywater go down into one of my driest flower beds 🙂

      They warned that the upper half of Sweden might get snow today! I’m so glad I live in theother half 🙂 Warmish today so I have my kitchen door open now 🙂

      No one get any medicine here at the moment, it is those times we apreciate so much 🙂 I do hope she’s allright now!

      Have a great day!


      May 18, 2016 at 6:09 pm

  3. It’s been in the 60’s here and it the 70’s.
    Next week it will be in 80’s.
    I’m not complaining! i prefer cooler weather when I’m home. 😀

    I wish I could put in a shower or maybe a full bath on the main floor but
    besides the expense, I just can not stand the thought of all the red tape from
    city officials. Good Luck with your sewer stuff!

    May 20, 2016 at 6:53 pm

    • Hi Cindi!

      We’ve had below 50 untilwe got this second day weather. Today is said to be warm but the humidity is high and the clouds only let a little sunshine through.

      No red tape here, they have checked where I want to put the stuff and that’s it 🙂

      Have a great day!


      May 21, 2016 at 8:53 am

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