It’s sort of warmish!

Paris quadrifolia, a trillium relative growing in the forest. It is my favorite wild flower here.

Paris quadrifolia, a trillium relative growing in the forest. It is my favorite wild flower here.


Today has been so much nicer than yesterday or any day for over a week to be honest. It has been mostly cloudy but the wind is weaker (still strong though) and it has been warm and nice all day. When I look out my kitchen window there’s not a single cloud in the sky, I wouldn’t be surprised if that means frost during the night.


My blue house is almost invisible now, I need to trim the weeds some :-)

My blue house is almost invisible now, I need to trim the weeds some 🙂


I guess You're right Caryn! It must be some kind of fungus that make that orangey color on the sap that has flown down the maple tree stump.

I guess You’re right Caryn! It must be some kind of fungus that make that orangey color on the sap that has flown down the maple tree stump.


I must remember to buy soil tomorrow on my way home from work, I need lots for my tomato plants, and all the seedlings I need to put in pots until I know where they should be planted. To be honest, all name tags are gone so I think they need to stay in pots until I actually knows what they are 🙂 I also need to figure out where I want the Sweet flowering quince I already have in pots, I could make space close to the Japanese quince I already have or perhaps dig away lots of grass and weeds closer to the fence at the end of my garden.




It's so boring, the side we walk on by the creek is filled with all kinds of ferns and interesting plants but the other side that has no path to walk on only has grass.

It’s so boring, the side we walk on by the creek is filled with all kinds of ferns and interesting plants but the other side that has no path to walk on only has grass. It’s so hard to get good photos when standing on the same side.


Only two more days until we should be safe from frost at nights so the first thing I’ll do on Sunday morning is to bring out all the pots I have here indoors and I’ll place them on the patio so they can get used to the light outside and harden themselves towards the sunlight, I’ve killed many a plant by not protecting them properly towards the first sunlight in their lives. I’ll have six squash plants this year and four pumpkin plants 🙂 I got one pumpkin last year, I just didn’t see it until the first frost in the autumn destroyed the leafs 🙂 It was sort of pinkish instead of orange as it should have been 🙂




I had to walk over to the other side, on the wooden bridge, to get this photo.



But the grass look nice when the sun shine on it.

But the grass look nice when the sun shine on it.

It is time to make something to eat and after that I’ll relax in front of the tv. If they don’t show anything interesting on the Knowledge channel I might watch channel four, it is so bad and boring I’ll most likely will fall asleep directly 🙂






Have a great day!



10 responses

  1. Caryn

    Hi Christer,
    I didn’t think it was maple sap. At least not any maple sap I’ve ever seen. But it’s a lovely fungus.

    Why is it that the interesting stuff always grows where you have to contort yourself to get a good photo? I was at the lake yesterday and all the pretty things were dripping off the bank into the very cold water which I would have had to stand in to get a shot. If I’d had my regular camera, I might have done it anyway but I only had the crappy cell phone camera. The resulting bad photo would not be worth the ruined shoes and frozen feet. 🙂

    So far the only thing I have planted in the yard is grass seed. Some one I ordered stuff from enclosed a packet of seeds with the message to save the bees. The mix is annuals that bees like but they range in height from tiny to very tall and there’s no way to tell which seed will grow to what height. I’m going to sow them at the end of the driveway where the grass has failed. Maybe they’ll do better.

    Today is odd. It’s 60ºF and feels colder. It’s supposed to be sunny and there are glimpses of sun and blue sky now and then. It is even bright outside but it doesn’t feel like sunny or bright. It still seems dull and cool. I’m sure the heat will go on again tonight. Still, better than complaining about too hot and having to run the AC.

    Enjoy the day.

    June 4, 2015 at 7:21 pm

    • Hi Caryn!

      We say it’s “the Law on Everything gets fucked up” here 🙂 If anything can go wrong it does and if anything grows so You havev to get wet to get a good photo that’s where it will grow 🙂 🙂 🙂
      I could have given Sune the camera because he jumped in to the creek and barely could get up again 🙂 I feared, for a while, that I too would have to jump in to the cold water to get him up again 🙂

      Nothing planted in the garden yet so my home is a bit over crowded with seedlings right now 🙂 Well I did sow annuals in early March and they seems to grow fine in one of my flower beds, slow but fine. I mixed lots of seeds and just tossed them around in the flower bed. Different hights on them too so I have no idea how that will turn out 🙂

      I think we might have reached 60F here when I came home, it felt wonderfully warm :-)I better get myself a fan this year just in case we actually tet some summer this year 🙂

      Have a great day!

      June 4, 2015 at 7:34 pm

      • Caryn

        That would be a variation on Murphy’s 3rd Law of Probability: if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong and it will go wrong at the worst possible time. 🙂
        The place where I wanted to put those free seeds has a plethora of little ant hills all over it. I suppose I can plant around them. 🙂

        June 5, 2015 at 6:30 pm

      • Yes I guess we all have sayings like that 🙂

        Just water a lot where the ants are and they’ll move. Ants only have nests where it’s very dry so You’ll need to water there anyway if You sow those seeds.

        June 5, 2015 at 7:09 pm

  2. Hi Christer,

    it has been a very sunny day today in Cheshire uk. We had a high of 21 degrees this afternoon😊 so,I hope you get our heat looks like cooler weather here will visit again and then get warmer on Saturday.

    Beautiful photos as ever.What an interesting flower in your first picture,nature cannot be beaten,no wonder it is your favourite.

    Hope you found something on tv that didn’t send you to sleep.We have so many channels here now,even though we don’t have satellite tv,and most of the programmes are not worth watching except some documentaries and the occasional cookery programme for me😊

    June 4, 2015 at 7:28 pm

    • Hi Lesley!

      I checked the weather forecast and yes we will 🙂 I thank You with all my heart for sending that wonderful weather to us 🙂 🙂 Saturday however will stay warm but it will rain all day and Sunday will be chilly again. I guess one has to be happy for the few minutes summer shows 🙂

      I do like that flower! I don’t know why but we call it Snake berry here?! Very odd name for an odd flower 🙂

      I have six channels here, the free of charge ones and every now and again they give us a few weeks of other channels. I guess they will tempt us to get those too but so far I can’t say I’ve been impressed 🙂 🙂 I had BBC Prime when I lived in Gothenburg twenty odd years ago and that is the best channel I’ve ever had! They don’t have it here any longer. Too bad because I wouldn’t hesitate to pay for that one. They showed all Your great comedies and I always looked on the morning show with Ms Anne Diamond and Nick something. I woked afternoons back then so I had my breakfast while watching them. I can than those two for my very British accent when speaking English 🙂

      Have a great day!

      June 4, 2015 at 7:41 pm

  3. Dianna

    Hi Christer! I remember your pumpkin!!! I hope I get some good ones this year but if the weather continues to be crappy, probably not. Today is a nice day here and tomorrow too but Saturday is rain all day. They have been so wrong with the predictions I am hoping they are just as wrong for Saturday. Your photos are fantastic – I just love the look down the creek and those fallen logs. Reminds me of a little troll or fairy town. I can just see them going back and forth over the logs. 🙂 I have flowers on my tomato plant now and my potatoes are peeking through the soil. So happy about this! It sure is the small things that make me happy! 🙂 Have a lovely evening!

    June 4, 2015 at 7:40 pm

    • Hi Dianna!

      It was big too! The first everv pumpkin that I’ve managed to grow too!

      You could be living here because we’ll have the exact same weather 🙂 🙂 🙂 I’m so glad I stop working at noon on Fridays 🙂

      I love to walk by the creek but soon I’ll have to stop for a while because there are just too many ticks there when the grass grows higher. Up stream is impossiblöe to walk now, the ground is so filled with water that I sink when I try to go there 🙂

      I know I’ll get tomatoes on my plants this year because they already have several here in the kitchen 🙂 I haven’t seen if the potatoes show yet though, the dogs have been digging some there too since the cats used my vegetable garden as a big toipet 🙂

      Have a great day!

      June 4, 2015 at 7:46 pm

  4. sounds like you have lots to keep you busy with!!! Nothing good on our tv right now either, we have Netflix but its run out of shows to temp us,,

    June 4, 2015 at 9:56 pm

    • Hi Laurie!

      Yes spring is always a bit buzy but fun buzy 🙂

      I didn’t find anything interesting on tv soI had an early night.

      Have a great day!

      June 5, 2015 at 3:24 pm

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