We’re learning sign language again.

I harvested a lime again, it is sklightly bigger than a not too big walnut :-)

I harvested a lime again, it is sklightly bigger than a not too big walnut πŸ™‚

I understood something was wrong with Nova yesterday since she tried to avoid me at the same time she came running to greet me when I came home after work. Naturally I thought it was her right ear that was infected again but this time it had wandered over to her left ear instead. The poor girl hates to get the medicine down her ear but she does come when she knows it is time. I do hope that this is the last time she gets it in this ear because she can barely hear anything in the right ear after all these ear infections.


They are, to my big surprise, bright orange inside! They taste just like a lime should though.

They are, to my big surprise, bright orange inside! They taste just like a lime should though.

The roads are so muddy and bad here now because of the forest machines, so we didn't take any walk today. We did yesterday though so all photos comes from then.

The roads are so muddy and bad here now because of the forest machines, so we didn’t take any walk today. We did yesterday though so all photos comes from then.

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People would think I hate that dog since I always scream at her but I actually most often scream that she’s a good girl and that I love her πŸ™‚ Sometimes I need to throw something reasonable close to her to get her attention πŸ™‚ She usually look up from what ever track she follows if a pine cone comes rolling beside her πŸ™‚ So once again I’ve started to learn a dog some kind of sign language, it works really good if she just understand I want to tell her something πŸ™‚


Stones from the Stone Circle Hill.

Stones from the Stone Circle Hill.

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I’m baking scones at the same time as I’m writing this. I have no bread at home and I really didn’t want to go to the grocery store after work. I need to clean the oven because lots of smoke came out of it when I opened the hatch. At first I thought it was the scones but they looked just fine, they need a few more minutes in there though. I’ve eaten all the marmalade but I might have some rowanberry jam left, goes really well with cheese πŸ™‚ I do hope my fire alarm doesn’t star because of the oven πŸ™‚


The birch in the well.

The birch in the well. All standing photos are more manageable if You click on them.

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It is time to see if those scones are ready yet and if I can find that jam.

Have a great day!

8 responses

  1. Dianna

    Hi Christer! Poor Nova! Always with flappy eared dogs they are so prone to getting infections. I am sure Karma will be at risk as her ears are like Nova’s. I hope the medicine works quick for her. That’s good that you are teaching her some sign language of some sort! How old is she now? I wonder how your scones turned out and if the jam was found! πŸ™‚ I haven’t made scones in a very long while, I need to make some!! I love marmalade, that’s my favorite! πŸ™‚ I hope your evening is good, I am at work for a very late meeting so won’t get home until around 7 p.m. Boo.

    March 10, 2016 at 7:46 pm

    • Hi Dianna!

      Still, she has the least flappy ears of all dogs ever living with me and she’s the only one with ear problems. One ear is built to get infected the vet once said. I do hope Karma never get ear problems! I can’t say I noticed much difference today but she’ll get this medicine for 14 days.

      She is Seven on September 2nd. She’s a fast leraner, as long as she wants to understand πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      The scones turned out really well πŸ™‚ The rowanjelly is a bit bitter instead of sweet and I like that. So the evening turned out quite well πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!


      March 11, 2016 at 5:39 pm

  2. Caryn

    Hi Christer,
    I feel bad for Nova. It can’t be pleasant getting drops in the ears all the time. If she does go mostly deaf, you should probably invest in a vibrator collar and train her to respond to that. The clicker part is one more thing to carry on a walk, I suppose, but if it’s in your pocket, it’s handier than trying to find a pine cone when speed is needed.

    Sometimes my toaster oven has smoke coming out of it but it’s from the toast crumbs that fall to the bottom and don’t get cleaned out as regularly as they probably should. πŸ™‚
    It’s odd how jam goes so well with cheese or other things it might not seem to go with. I have some fig and ginger jam. It’s more like a marmalade. It goes really well with cheese and roast pork loin. It would probably go well with ham and maybe even hot dogs. Haven’t tried that yet. It’s expensive stuff though so I use it sparingly.

    May your scones be perfect even if lightly smoked in flavor. The rowanberry jam will make up for it.

    Enjoy the day.

    March 10, 2016 at 11:22 pm

    • Hi Caryn!

      Me too and it is a very sticky medicine so I know she must feel it all the time.

      Yes we were talking about one of those vibrating collars, at least I know she will understand that I want something even if she most likely will just ignore me anyway πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I have big pockets though so one more thing is nothing.

      It turned out itwasn’t the oven, it was the flour I had in the pan I put the scones in πŸ™‚ Didn’t smoke at all the second time I opened it up.

      Yes jam does go with lots of odd things πŸ™‚ but cheese goes with everything! I like it especially together with our caviar (smoked cod roe). The roe is salty and redish and goes perfect with cheese both in taste and color πŸ™‚

      The scones turned out quite good but to say theyw ere perfect would be to lie a bit πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!


      March 11, 2016 at 5:54 pm

  3. Christer,
    Gracie is my first floppy eared boxer so I check her all the time and clean the ear if it is gunky. She doesn’t mind too much. She hated her teeth cleaned but I persevere.

    I have a variety of jams I put out on my cheese board. Cheddar seems to go with almost everything. I also put out a variety of crackers.

    It is a warmer night than I expected. The rain has stopped but then it started again. Crazy weather!!

    Have a great evening!

    March 11, 2016 at 2:29 am

    • Hi Kat!

      I’ve only had floppy eared dogs living with me but Nova is the first one to have big problems. Sune has typical spaniel ears and he never seems to have any problems. Nova has however no problems with me going through her teath πŸ™‚

      To be honest, any cheese goes with everything πŸ™‚ The Danish cheese called Danbo and Havarti works really good with a sweet jam. Those two smell like something has died and been dead for a few days but they taste oh so good πŸ™‚

      We’ve had a operfect springwinter day here. Nasty cold at night and really warm during the day with lots of sunshine πŸ™‚ Couldn’t be much better to be honest πŸ™‚

      Have a great day!


      March 11, 2016 at 5:59 pm

  4. jaz

    teddy keeps getting infections in her right ear and she fights me when i treat it. right now she is limping badly because she has an interdigital cyst. it’s so sore i am giving her pain killers. i hope nova’s heals soon.

    March 11, 2016 at 6:17 pm

    • Poor Teddy! That sounds nasty! Is it something that will go back by itself or do she need surgery? I do hope the pain killers help! It sounds as if they have the same kind of infection in the ear, it just comes back again and again! Nove just look like I tried to kill her but she sits there with sad eyes while I put the medicine in.

      I do hope Teddy will get better soon too!

      Have a great day!


      March 11, 2016 at 6:30 pm

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